Archive for June, 2008


I’m a little sad now that harvest is all over! 😦 I rode my bike for a while down the country roads this afternoon and there were still a lot of combines out in the wheat fields…and I passed quite a few trucks hauling to the elevator. It kinda made me sad. Guess I can just look forward to next year!

This morning, I did laundry (which Serena usually does but she was still in Colorado…so I figured I should be a helpful sister and do it for her!) She returned home about 3:30 this afternoon and seemed to have a really good time with her friend. They both LOVE to sew…so having a good time for them is going to a fabric store. I also cleaned the house this morning and part of the afternoon. I spent some time just chatting with my sisters this afternoon too about camp, dad’s upcoming birthday, work, Krissa’s new job at Southern Progress Corporation in AL, and a few other things. This evening, we took my Grandma out to eat and spent some time over at her house. Krissa will be leaving on Wednesday already…so this was kinda a last farewell.

I suppose I should quite blogging, turn off my country music, put my computer to sleep, and GO TO BED…since I must work tomorrow and Sunday and Monday. Goodnight!

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Reaping what is sown

Dad was able to go ahead and cut wheat on Tuesday, despite the shower Monday night. And after cutting all day Wednesday, he finished that evening. And he only had one minor breakdown Tuesday evening but got it fixed pretty quickly. YAY! I had a lot of fun driving but perhaps not quite as much fun as Krissa and I had last year. 😉 The wheat actually did a little better than Dad thought it would so I’m grateful to the Lord for the that. Here’s a few random photos from the field… =D

The truck I drove =)

My cousin’s little boy, Noah

Watching the combine

Truck load ready to take in

“Load up Lady” (she knows what that means and comes running!)

I think I’ll just take a nap…

On second thought…maybe I should watch where we’re going

Let’s go!

This is FUN!

Really…I am watching where I’m going!

View of our farm from the field

At dusk…still cutting

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Harvest, moving, camp, and rain

Dad was able to start cutting wheat this afternoon! YAY!!! He actually thought that it would be too wet but decided to go ahead and test it and it wasn’t! So…Krissa and I got to get out in the field once again and help drive truck. Although…so far, this years truck driving experience hasn’t been nearly as exciting as last years. 😉 I’m not quite sure if Dad trusts us more this year or not…? He did want our help though…so he must have some faith in us! I like to drive the truck. I think it’s fun and I don’t even mind getting dusty, dirty, hot, and sweaty!

Serena taught her sewing class today so she was gone most of the day. And besides driving truck, Krissa and I watched some old-time shows together. Oh, and I baked some yummy Chocolate Chip Cookies so that we have some goodies to stick in Dad’s meals to-go while he’s harvesting. Krissa also made some lemonade because he’s not much of a pop-drinker but likes the cold lemonade while out in the field. Yea, I know, he’s spoiled, but isn’t that what daughters are suppose to do for their father…?!?!

The next few weeks at our house are going to be busy, fun, sad, and exciting all at the same time! Serena is going to Colorado tomorrow to visit a friend in the Colorado Springs area and she’ll be gone until Thursday or Friday. Then Krissa will be moving to Birmingham Alabama on July 2nd…I can’t believe she’s leaving so soon! I’m gonna miss her bunches but maybe, just maybe…I’ll visit her this fall sometime and see what it’s like to live in the ritzy east working as a journalist for the prestigious Southern Living Corporation! Sounds like that would be quite the contrast from truck driving! I believe one of Krissa’s good friends from college is going to stay with us this weekend and then drive down to Alabama with Krissa and help her get settled into her new apartment. Then it’s camp time again in July…the 2nd and 3rd weeks, Serena and I will be serving on staff at Camp Good News in Hutchinson! YAY!!! It will be sad not having Krissa or Mary at camp this year…but we’ll just have to share a whole lot of pictures afterwards! As the past few years, I will be the camp nurse the first week and a counselor the second week. I was looking back at some pictures from previous years at camp…awww, such good memories! =D

Oh…and right now as I’m blogging, it is raining outside and thundering and lightening. The whole works. I’m extremely thankful for the rain but that probably means that Dad won’t be able to cut wheat tomorrow. 😦

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Things you may or may not know about me…

Got this forward from a friend…and thought I’d post it because you know how much I love random things! Enjoy!

1. What is your occupation? RN

2. What color are your socks right now?  it’s summer…who wears socks? flip-flops are much cooler!

3. What are you listening to right now? an episode of Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman

4. What was the last thing that you ate? ummm…chocolate chip cookie dough! yum!

5. Can you drive a stick shift?  did today…drove truck full of wheat!

6. What color would you be, if you were a color? lime green or hot pink!  =O

7. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Katrina

8. Do you like the person who sent this to you? most definitely!

9. How old are you today? 23

10. Favorite drink?  Diet Mt. Dew

11. What is your favorite sport to watch?  sports…what is that? ummm…football, IF the KC Chiefs are playing

12. Have you ever dyed your hair? blond and red highlights…

13. Pets?  2 cats and a dog…life would be majorly boring without them

14. Favorite food? ice cream, pizza, fruit, chow mein noodles

15. Last movie you watched? Though None Go With Me

16. Favorite day of the year? everyday is a gift from God…and should be used for HIS glory

17. What do you do to vent anger? take a walk and pray, go to my room and plop on my bed and pull out my Bible

18. What was your favorite toy as a child? my little brown teddy bear

19.  What is your favorite fall or spring? spring

20. Cherry or Blueberry?  cherry

21. Living arrangements? home on the farm with my dad and sisters

22. When was the last time you cried? uh, I don’t really remember…I think last week at work 

23. Favorite smell? cherry blossom, roses, babies, fresh baked bread, and lots more 

24. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers?  cheese!

25. Favorite cat breed? Siamese

26. Number of keys on your key ring? ummm…maybe 6

27. How many years at your current job? 4 years

28. Favorite day of the week?  I like every day pretty much…working or not

29. Who sent you this email?  Katrina

30. How many states have you lived in? one and only, Kansas

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My younger sister, Krissa, turned 21 today! Happy Birthday kiddo! Yea, I can’t believe that the little sister, whom Serena and I used to tease, whom we used to lock out of the bathroom, whom we used to hide from, whom we used to blame everything on, whom we used to bride into doing things for us, is certainly not very little anymore. She has grown into quite a young lady and become one of my very best friends! God has given me two incredibly great and wonderful sweet and fun-loving sisters and I’m pretty sure I would be completely lost without them! =)

Krissa...beautiful, fun, social, stylish

Krissa…beautiful, fun, stylish, social (just to name a few!)

It has actually been very good to get back to work this week after being off for a while during my time in CO. Although a vacation is always nice, I love seeing all my dear co-workers again and some of the many dear patients that have become like second family to me. You know, this May was my 4-year anniversary of working at Meade Hospital and that also means that I’ve been an RN for 4 YEARS!!! WOW…I find that hard to believe myself. I remember studying those huge nursing books while falling asleep 😉 and listening to nursing lectures all day…and thinking, “I can’t wait to be done. It feels like nursing school is NEVER going to end.” Yet, here I am! Anyway, a part of me really wants to work in a larger hospital, particularily one with a NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit)…yet, it would be extremely hard to leave the Meade family I’ve grown to know and love so much. Ever since I’ve graduated from nursing school though, I’ve aspired to work in a NICU…and recently I’ve been contemplating it much more…trying to figure out the if’s, when’s, where’s, how’s…and so on…. I figure that now, while I’m still young and ‘unattached’ is the time to perhaps pursue such goals, if that would be God’s will. Certainly moving would be a drastic change for me considering that I’ve lived at home my whole life. And so…I’ll continue thinking, praying, seeking the Lord’s will, and looking for opportunities and doors that God may open or close. I’ve mentioned it to Dad already…and he just didn’t say much! 😉

I have some good news, which I could have actually broadcasted a while back but every time I posted, it seemed to slip my mind. =/ SKITTLES, the cat that we’ve been *trying* to breed since like February, is FINALLY PREGNANT!!! YEAH!!!!!! Unfortunately we were unable to breed her with another Siamese and had to settle for a white male cat (uh, our other attempts with male Siamese cats weren’t exactly working…). But I’m hoping that some of the kittens will still have the Siamese markings. She should have her kittens around the middle or end of July…and hopefully she’ll wait until we get back from camp. I would hate for Dad to have to deal with the kitten-deliveries all by himself. 😉 That could prove interesting to say the least.

Since yesterday was my sister’s birthday, the three of us (and Dad part of the time) had a movie and cake and ice cream night. Dad stayed up for the cake and ice cream but not for the movie…lol! So typical! 😉 Anyway, the dessert was delicious and the movie, Though None Go With Me by Jerry B. Jenkins, was really really good too! It was such a sweet, but also incredibly sad, love story. This was definitely one of those movies that is so sweet, it makes you cry. We loved it! I would highly recommend it to all of my girlfriends out there! Katrina…next time I see you (oh, yea, that won’t be too far off…end of July, right!?!?), we’re watching it together! You’ll LOVE it and I can’t wait!!!!! *BIG GRINZ*


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Jena + Katrina = random funness

My week in the colorful state of Colorado has ended but not without loads of fun times and gobs of memories! Trying to describe our randomness and putting into words all the good times we had with all of the ‘inside jokes’ isn’t really feasible and would probably bore you, I’ll just say that we had an incredible good time and… “pictures say a thousand words!”

Jena + Katrina = random funness

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Tomorrow is the day…the day I leave for a week of the Colorado mountains. YEA!!! My friend, Katrina, is participating in the Set-Apart Life 8-month Discipleship Community under the teachings of Eric Ludy. Last Spring, Katrina and I both ventured out on a road trip to Estes Park, Colorado to attend the Set-Apart Life Conferences by Eric Ludy and the Authentic Girl weekend by his wife, Leslie Ludy. The road trip itself was quite an adventure as neither Katrina nor I have an incredibly good sense of direction, but after getting lost oodles of times, turning around, backtracking, running into a dead end once or twice, and driving down a hiking trail (*blush blush*), we did finally reach our destination. I honestly think that we were laughing so hard at ourselves some of the time that we didn’t really care where we ended up! That 7 hours in the car holds a great deal of fun memories! The conferences were just as exciting…it was absolutely amazing to be surrounded by SO many young guys and girls from all over the US (and a few even from overseas!) with a desire to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. I learned a great deal about guy/girl relationships and what it really truly means to be ‘set-apart,’ to be emptied and spilled out, to be wholly surrendered to the Master. Eric and Leslie Ludy themselves are incredible speakers (and best-selling authors of numerous book including Authentic Beauty, When God Writes Your Love Story, and Meet. Mr. Smith) and their consuming passion for the abundant life of Jesus Christ is highly contagious! I became acquainted with them through their books, which I have read over and over and over, but it was even better to actually see and hear them face to face! So…now I’m looking forward to another great adventure in the Colorado Rockies and being challenged in my own relationship with my Savior. Although this time, I expect the drive will be a little less eventful as I will be by my lonesome. 😦 And so…my friends and family, look out…I may be calling you on the road tomorrow! (I have to do something to stay awake!)


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Come to Me

Matthew 11:28-30

“Come to Me all you who labor and are heavy laden,

                                                        and I will give you rest.

Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me,

                                        for I am gentle and lowly in heart,

and you will find rest for your souls;

                        for My yoke is easy and my burden is light.”


When I’m feeling lonely today, He says, “come to Me…”

When I’m feeling tired and over-worked today, He says, “…I will give you rest…”

When I’m feeling self-centered and just plain grumpy, He says, “take My yoke upon you…”

When I’m faced with challenges and ‘the unknown’, He says, “…learn from Me.”

When I’m feeling overwhelmed, He says, “…My yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

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I am thinking really REALLY hard about buying a new car for several reasons. (1) Because I’ve driven a Dodge Stratus for 4 years and want a change. (2) With gas prices skyrocketing and no relief in sight, I’d like to get something with better gas mileage. (3) I want something fun, flirty, and sporty.  {number 3 is the most important reason by the way! 😉 }

The Beetle and Mini Cooper are two cute cars that I have always liked. Certainly they are adorable, small, fun, affordable, and economical. But not too practical and do not rate very high safety wise. Seems like this isn’t the first time that a ‘bug’ has decorated my blogging page! 😉 But dad didn’t really like the idea of the bug or the cooper…so I’ve pretty much thrown those out the window.







                                                                                                   Mini Cooper

That still leaves a lot of options; however when looks, gas mileage, and affordability are all taken into consideration, my choices are limited. Here’s a few options that are included in my “possibilities list.” They actually are all fairly similar in style. The Mitsubishi Eclipse rates the highest on my good looking scale but the Pontiac G5 Coupe and the Honda Civic Coupe get better gas mileage. So…I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!

Pontiac G5 Coupe

Mitsubishi Eclipse

Honda Civic Coupe

What do you think?  If I wasn’t worried about practicality or safety, I’d grap the Beetle Bug in an instant. 😉 And if I had all the money in the world, I’d buy a Porsche or a Corvette…

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A ‘normal’ Tuesday

It’s June ALREADY! And I’m really excited because next week (in exactly 5 days) I’ll be making a road trip to Colorado and spending some good ol’ fashioned fun time with one of my girlfriends! YIPEEEEEEEEEEE! Need I say it….I’M EXCITED!!!! =D (I’m not too thrilled about the gas prices though!) :/

At this very moment, I’m sitting on the porch listening to the birds chirping and the breeze shuffling the branches on the trees. Lady is sitting by my feet and ewww!…dog slobber is dripping on my toes! UGE! I guess dog slobber is usually pretty harmless. Dad is outside in the field on the tractor planting milo. It has clouded up some outside so I’m not sure if that means rain…or if the weather is just tempting us. The nice part is that it has cooled off. Despite the heat of the afternoon (I think it got close to 100 degrees), I laid out in the sun for about 45 minutes to keep my tan looking good. Sweat was pouring off of me though and I even drenched myself with the hose. Right after lunch, I rode my bike for 10 miles I think…I kinda lost count! I luv the feeling of getting a good work out, listening to my ipod, sweat pouring off of me, breathing heavy, and collapsing on the couch while drinking a gallon of water once it’s all over! I’m weird…I know. This morning, I washed the kitchen floor, cleaned the toilets, emptied the trash in the house, changed the cat’s litter boxes, and cleaned the refrigerator.

oh…I hear thunder! YEA! just maybe…it’ll rain!


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