Archive for January, 2009

What’s new?

Well, since this blogging post is way overdue…there is quite a lot that is new around here. First of all, the weather has been amazingly beautiful and almost 70 degrees today! We did have a really cold snap last weekend but only for a couple of days. This is soooo odd for January but perhaps the blizzards and snowstorms and frigid temperatures are waiting for February or March. YIKES! Or maybe…just maybe…the snow and ice is going to stay in hibernation this winter. I can only hope! 🙂

In other news, Krissa is home now for a while looking for a job. She has had several interviews mostly via the phone for possible opportunities with some newspapers…even on all the way in California! But nothing is definite and right now, she isn’t finding anything that she really REALLY likes and would want to do long term. Hopefully the economy with pick back up soon and my sister will still become a famous world traveling journalist for some big important magazine company!!! LOL!

The three adorable kittens are growing like crazy! The are getting more fun by the day. With their eyes open now, they are getting much more brave and waddeling out of their ‘bed’ and trying to scamper about. Skittles is still quite protective and doesn’t like it much when Krissa or I play with her kittens…sometimes she gets downright mad! Serena’s the only one with special privileges who can do anything with her kittens.

I have some really exciting news!!!! The NICU job prospects in Oklahoma City are looking grand!! I have been able to visit with the NICU nurse recruiters for Children’s OU Hospital, Mercy Hospital, and Integris Baptist Hospital this past week and am working on setting up interviews for spring break week. And the really good news is that Mercy is expanding their NICU by 14 beds this Summer/Fall and so they for sure will be hiring more RN’s. YAY!!! Mercy would probably be my first pick anyway so I’m pretty much on CLOUD 9!! The apartment search is going great too…Briann and I have several more complexes that we want to further investigate. So…hopefully in the next week or two, I will be running to OKC again!

I am enjoying Krissa being home now for a while and getting to hang out with her! Although…three girls sharing ONE bathroom is proving interesting sometimes. Especially like Sunday mornings when we are all at home and it’s my weekend off! AHHHH! Sometimes I think a schedule with time limits is needed! I’m just glad that Dad has his own bathroom or he’d never get a turn! 😉

Work has remained pretty steady with it’s up’s and down’s. I worked yesterday in the hospital Pharmacy and am working this weekend. It was rather busy today…but I’m hoping for a less stressful day tomorrow.

Wednesday and Thursday nights this week, I stayed the night with our neighbor girls plus their two annoying toy poodles who want to snuggle in bed or lick my face (yuck!) and another two huge dogs that bark all night…and cats galore! I love cats and dogs…but in moderation please! So needless to say, I did NOT attain much sleep! I was glad to be back in my own bed last night.

Thursday, Krissa and I spent most of the day shopping around in Garden City. Krissa wants to re-decorate and make one of the upstaires bedrooms into a guest room. She has some terrific ideas and we had fun looking at furniture and decor and color shemes. Unfortunately…Dad has a budget that we must adhere to! I think a trip to Wichita is in order sometime in the near future…just the three of us girls!

I’m trying to write more often and keep you all in the loop! I need to post some more from my journal on the book study of “Let Me Be A Woman”…hopefully I’ll get that accomplished this next week! Hannah and I have kept up the study…I just haven’t been faithful to post it on here….oops!

Oh oh OH…how could I forget…Fireproof came out on DVD this week so Krissa and I picked it up in Garden City. Unfortunately with my work schedule we haven’t had a change to watch it again yet…but soon. I can’t wait!

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pink, soft, and cute

Serena has been snapping shots of the adorable little furrlings that have now become part of our cat family. I thought I’d post a few of the little darlings and their happy happy mother! (PS – even cats think motherhood is the best ‘career’!)








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Let’s try this again…

Okay…so for the second time, announcing MY NEW CAR!



I’ve decided that if this one ends up upside down in a field somewhere, I’m hiring a personal chauffeur!

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Musings for the New Year

Hummm…another week has arrived already. Soon January will be over. But that’s okay too. January was never one of my favorite months for several different reasons. It’s usually cold outside often without any snow. And, it’s around this time of the month when all those new year’s resolutions begin to fade and this year seems just like the last. (For some…hopefully not!) The holidays and ‘breaks’ are over for another whole year.  Lastly, taxes are due.  *uge*

But in all reality, I can rejoice in every day of EVERY month, even January. Because, each day is a gift from the Lord…even when it’s freezing cold outside, you’ve blown your diet for the new year, you’re back to studying hard and/or working hard, and you have to pay Uncle Sam…! Some things could always be worse.

With the new year, I’m trying to spend more time thanking the Lord for what I do have instead of complaining or wishing I had this or that. Like thanking Him for…

  • Salvation and eternal life through Jesus Christ
  • His Word, the Bible
  • my wonderful family
  • Lady and my sweet bundles of fur
  • my friends
  • safety and protection
  • my job and co-workers
  • my house
  • my new car 🙂
  • His beautiful creation…even if it is cold!
  • technology (it’s amazing and wonderful huh?!)

…and MUCH more!

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Exciting news!

I have some exciting news..SKITTLES HAD THREE LITTLE TINY KITTENS TODAY!!! YAY!!!! And so far they are all alive and seem to be doing well. All three are white so I image they will be Siamese and the darker colored fur will come in as they get older.

And I have some more good news…my  second new car should be here this weekend or early next week! I’m so excited…it’s hard to be working full time and not have my own car. But thankfully, Serena and Dad have graciously allowed me to borrow theirs…despite my now not-so-good driving record! 😉

Work has been pretty crazy and busy but somehow I’ve not minded…since we had quite a lull boring few months a while back. It has been a nice change actually.  This week, I worked Monday and Tuesday and work tomorrow. I’m realizing more and more each day how much I love my co-workers and patients!

Yesterday was my first day back to Kid’s Club this year. (We actually resumed last week and just had a review session…but because of my wreck, I didn’t go.) This semester, we are studying Jesus’ Parables and having the kids memorize the books of the Bible and the Ten Commandments. I’m in charge of the games…so if any of you have some terrific ideas for group games for kids 3re-8th grade, just let me know! I’ve been able to find some really great ideas on the internet.

Even though I did not have piano lessons yesterday because of my wrist injury from the accident, I did go into Dodge and do the weekly grocery shopping. I met my Grandma for lunch at Subway. We hadn’t met in Dodge for a while due to the holidays so it was great to meet up again with her.

I was home most of today and glad to be inside with the frigid 20 degrees outside! BRRRR! I got caught up with some things on my computer, wrote some way overdue emails, and talked for quite some time on the phone with a couple of my dear friends! I even talked a while with my little sister this evening…she is still in Florida job hunting but is hoping to come back home the middle of next week.

The movie, Fireproof, comes out on DVD the end of this month. I can’t wait to see it again! It is SOOOO good! Every time I hear the song “While I’m Waiting” by John Waller on the radio , it makes me want to watch the movie even more!

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New lease on life…

The past week has brought some scary moments, emotional turmoil, and a new lease on life. I have sensed God’s very presence and His protection. I have realized that He is in control of absolutely everything, even the mundane things in life. He has truly extended His grace and mercy abundantly to me and I am grateful.

Tuesday morning stated as routinely as any other ordinary day in my life. This particular day I had plans to meet a girlfriend in Liberal for lunch (which I was very thrilled about by the way!). But merely a mile from my house, the Lord got my attention in a way I never expected and most certainly didn’t desire.  As I was fearlessly driving down the dirt road, I looked away for only a second to grap something out of my purse, got caught in some loose sand on the road, and the next thing I knew, I was upside down in my car in the field. WHOA! I have never been so scared in my life.  My car rolled twice and was totaled. But amazingly enough and certainly only by the grace of God, I suffered only a sprained left wrist and some minor cuts and bruises. Praise the Lord is all I can say.

I’m not saying by any means that God ’caused’ the accident but I do think that He allowed it. Perhaps He wanted to simply get my attention and remind me that my life IS not my own and He could take it at any moment. Perhaps He wants me to learn to trust Him more and to seek His wisdom in even the everyday things of life. Perhaps He wants to break my pride and for me to be content and grateful for all that He has given to me.

I was back at work Thursday and Friday and didn’t even have to take any time off. Work has remained incredibly busy but I’ve not minded. I have had this weekend off but return tomorrow and Tuesday. After being off a couple of days, I look forward to going back tomorrow.

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Awww…the first day of 2009!  For me, the first day of this new year has been just like any other day of the old year. I ALMOST stayed up to officially ‘see’ the clock strike 12:00 ringing in the beginning of the new year. But at about 11:15, I figured it was better to go to bed than to sleep through my alarm the next day. 😉 And so I did. Besides that, I already watched the ball drop in Times Square New York City because of the time difference. Dad was already in bed and Serena was completely absorbed in her computer and oblivious to anything around her!

And…when the annoying alarm on my phone began singing “Good Morning Beautiful,” very early this morning, I certainly didn’t feel very beautiful or ambitious as I drug myself out of bed to the bathroom. Soon I was wide awake fulfilling my morning routines and was off to work. I was not actually scheduled to work today but because it has been very busy at the hospital and we were short-staffed today, I agreed to help out for a while. As I was hoping (since I must work the next 3 days!), I didn’t have to work all day and got off at about 3:00 pm this afternoon. When I left, I didn’t even need my coat as it was nearly 60 degrees, the sun was shinning, and the wind remained pretty calm. After getting home, I knew I couldn’t stay in the house (…it’s January…we’re not gonna have very many days above 50 degrees!) and so I adorned the jogging clothes and ran a couple of miles down the road. Lady was thrilled and I really enjoyed it as I’ve not been able to run outside much at all with the cold weather.

Even though there wasn’t much New Year’s Eve excitement at our house, my little sister was pretty excited because she was in Rockefeller Center, NYC! The crazy girl didn’t even tell us until yesterday afternoon! We assumed she was still in Florida with her college friend, Caroline! Oh no…she was in O degree weather with a million other people just to see the flashing ball drop for 2009. I’m sure it was quite an experience and I was minutely jealous that I wasn’t there too. 😉  (I didn’t miss the frigid temperatures though…I still got to watch the ball drop and I was cozy warm!)

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