Archive for August, 2009

Just a short update…

August is almost half over already and I have been in OKC nearly 3 months! I can’t believe it…time goes by soooo fast! I am still tremendously enjoying the city, work, friends, and all the fabulous new adventures. The job in the NICU is going well…still not liking nights very well nor sleeping the greatest during the day. BUT…I have good news! I get to move to day shift the second week in September!! YAY! I’m super-duper excited. 🙂 S l o w l y, I’m getting to know others on the unit…it just takes time I guess. Monday evening, a few of us went to dinner at Ted’s (Mexican Restaurant) just to get to know each other better. It was fun…and one of the BEST Mexican foods in town!

I’ve been off work the last several days and so I’ve gotten a lot of ordinary things accomplished like…laundry, cleaning the apartment, grocery shopping, running errands, going through the mail…etc. I’ve visited with a few of my far away friends on the phone and talked to my dad and Grandma a while today. I’ve also been out at the pool a few times in the HOT summer afternoons. Too hot just to lay out though…usually have to get wet…and get wet again, and again…and again! 🙂 Cayla, a sweet friend from church, and I have been going out to the lake in the evenings once or twice a week to get some running and walking in. It has been sooo much fun for me to find a running buddy! When I’m working in the evening, I’m usually out running in the cool early mornings! Mornings and evenings are both very beautiful and peaceful! I love it!

I’m enjoying Quail Springs Baptist Church a lot and look forward to getting more involved and active in the church. I am also looking for opportunities where I can serve and minister to others. I will be working this coming weekend and am disappointed that I will miss church. BUT…I am looking forward to going to the Shakespearean play (Hamlet) at the Myriad Botanical Gardens this Friday evening with a group from church. I think it should be sooo much fun with a lovely setting! Glad I don’t work that night! 🙂

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Today I spent a couple hours in my room thinking, praying, reading and meditating on Scripture, and just focusing on Christ alone. It was refreshing. It left me feeling loved, yes, loved with the unfailing love of my Savior. And it left me feeling overwhelmed. Overwhelmed by His goodness and mercy. Overwhelmed by His care for me in even the littlest details of my life. Overwhelmed by how He works all things together for good. Overwhelmed by the amazing Godly friends He has brought into my life. Overwhelmed by the job He has provided for me and the passion He has given me for nursing and the NICU babies. Overwhelmed…because I am not deserving of any of this. Overwhelmed…simply because God has given me this and so much more anyway!

So…for a little update on day to day life. I have officially been on night shift at the hospital for two weeks now and I keep hoping it will get easier to sleep during the day. So far it seems, either the lawnmover, kids screaming at the pool, or the neighbors upstairs have been successful at waking me up before I really wanted to wake up! 😦  Otherwise, I am enjoying the night shift. It is so much more conducive to learning because there is not near the chaos and people around as there is during the day shift. I’m enjoying slowly getting to know other nurses on the unit. I’m definitely just enjoying taking care of the wee little ones too…and falling in love with most of them!

I’m also seeing a huge but exciting challenge ahead of me. I’m working on a unit that staffs over 200 nurses, many nurse practitioners, residents, fellows, and drs., plus the countless parents and families that I will become aquainted with. Many (perhaps most…) of these people probably do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. They do not know true love, peace, and joy that can only come from Christ alone. So…what a great mission field! What great opportunities God has set before me! I’m already feeling a burden, a desire, and a passion to share how God has changed my life! I look forward to the days, weeks, months ahead…I look forward to being used by God…I look forward to seeing God work in amazing ways. He always does! He always will!

The past few days, I have been able to visit with a couple of the sweetest of friends. Friends who live far away and so hugs can only be through the phone! Nevertheless, I have been hugely encouraged by them. They have remained an inspiration and joy. I can share anything and everything with them and I know even if they don’t completely understand, they feel whatever I feel right along with me. We think alike. We have the same ideals, goals, and morals. We are kindred spirits. There is nothing quite as sweet as such sisters in the Lord! Love you girlies!! 🙂

We sang this song, In Christ Alone,  in church this morning and truly the words describe what I am feeling tonight.

In Christ alone will I glory
Though I could pride myself in battles won
For I’ve been blessed beyond measure
And by His strength alone I’ll overcome
Oh, I could stop and count successes like diamonds in my hands
But those trophies could not equal to the grace by which I stand

In Christ alone
I place my trust
And find my glory in the power of the cross
In every victory
Let it be said of me
My source of strength
My source of hope
Is Christ alone

In Christ alone do I glory
For only by His grace I am redeemed
For only His tender mercy
Could reach beyond my weakness to my need
And now I seek no greater honor in just to know Him more
And to count my gains but losses to the glory of my Lord

I believe that says it all. Goodnight.

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