In memory…

I have some sad news. Thursday morning when I got up to feed the cats before leaving for work, I found my cat, Rascal, dead on the porch. He likes to sleep on the picnic table all stretched out and there he was as if he were just sleeping. Even though he could be pretty ornery and was most definitely spoiled, he was fun and cute and had the prettiest big blue eyes. We often referred to him as a big ball of fur because he was just that…mostly fluff! Although my dad isn’t a huge fan of cats, Rascal even won his heart. I think it’s because Rascal wasn’t the typical loving and cuddly hold-me type of cat. He was a hunter and a warrior. He loved to eat. He didn’t like to sleep on beds, but rather in the middle of the floor, on top of my dresser or bookcase, or in a box that was obviously way too small for him. He hated closed doors and would scratch on them until they opened. He liked attention but only when it suited him. He loved to play but sometimes his playing got a bit rough. Curiosity killed the cat is often how I thought his life would end. He loved living on the farm, exploring, and taking risky adventures. We adopted him when he was just a little kitten and probably had him close to 15 years. He was like family and we will all miss him very much. Skittles will be a little lost for a while I think too.

2 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Claire said,

    He looks like he was a lovely cat.

  2. 2

    Michele said,

    I lost my best friend to cancer that dogs are known to get. I watched him die for 4 hours. I was with him all the way. He waited for me to get home and let me be with him until he wanted to be alone. I have learned a lot about life because of him. My heart goes out to you for the loss of your cat. They are really our family, not just animals.

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